When Life’s Rules Are Untaught


Proverbs.25:2 (KJV) It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

Why am I often lost
In the maze of life
Making uninformed choices
Bumping my head over and over?

When life could be sweeter
And my burdens lighter
My yokes easier
And my paths brighter


Who will solve my riddles?
Who will give me the clues?
Who will fix my puzzles?
Who will tell me the rules?

Ask and you shall be given
Seek and you shall find
Knock and the door will open
To anyone who dares

For the greatest lessons in life
Are learned not taught
And the deepest secrets
Must be discerned not told

Deep must call unto deep
And often I must stretch forth to reach
For what God in His glory doth conceal
The honour is mine to unveil…

Funmi Adebayo (c) 2013